Last Week's 'Game of Thrones' Spawned Some Insane Bran Stark Theories
Most fans will agree that Game of Thrones aired one of its most powerful episodes last week, a heart-wrenching hour that featured great moments between Theon and Yara, Dany and Jorah, and of course its haunting, horrifying final moments. Spoilers follow. I’m speaking of course about the tragic turn that had Bran’s cave sanctuary invaded by the White Walkers, thanks to some poorly planned warging. The Night’s King murdered Bloodraven, Bran’s tree-bound mentor, and a few Children of the Forrest. But the saddest sacrifice of all was Hodor holding the snow-zombie hordes back as Bran and Mira escaped the cave. Further compounding that situation was the fact that Bran had warped back in time to Winterfell, and discovered that he actually triggered Hodor’s initial seizure that…turned him into Hodor. The boy started screaming “Hold the door!” repeatedly, connecting to his present-day death, and eventually the phrase simply condensed into “Hodor,” for the next forty years or so. This is signif...